Florida State Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator
I look forward to working with you as you and your family as you manage the difficulties that any family can experience. Whether it’s a breakup, a divorce, a conflict about paternity or other issues with your loved ones. You are not the first ones to go through this and you are not alone. As an experienced Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator, I believe I can help you get to a resolution that will work for everyone involved. I know the importance of working with people to maintain civility and kindness through the process and I hold that value when I interact with all members of the mediation.
Save Time & Money
A typical litigated divorce can easily cost as much as $10,000.00 and take as long as six to nine months to finalize. That expensive, time-consuming process is hard on your family and painful for everyone involved. Mediation saves you precious hours and dollars allowing you to go through one of life’s most difficult transitions while preserving what is important to you. Custody issues, child support, division of assets or how you will re-structure your family—all of these issues take time to resolve. Mediation allows you and your
partner the time to resolve the issues.
Get Expert Help
A mediator is trained to ask you and the other party the questions that can help sort through the conflict and get to a resolution where everyone will feel a sense of satisfaction. I tell my clients “No one gets everything they want, but everyone gets something they want through mediation”. If all parties come into the process with a genuine desire to come to an agreement and the intent to compromise, the outcome will be a positive one.
Preserve Relationships
The most important thing about conflict resolution is that everyone can find a way to go on with their lives. No one should be so broken or left so scarred because they believe they have had to concede everything, and, as a result, feel they have nothing left. A good mediator helps all parties work toward an agreement that is equitable and allows them to look toward a future where life can be rebuilt. I work to be that mediator.
When you need a professional who can provide you with objective interventions focused on solutions.
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Let's Connect
Email: carole@findingyoursolutions.org
Phone: 352.764.7001