Education & Certifications
University of Pittsburgh - Bachelor of Science Degree, Psychology
University of Pittsburgh - Certification in Women’s Studies
California University of Pennsylvania - Master’s Degree, Counseling
Academy of Professional Family Mediators - Member
Florida State Supreme Court - Certified Family Mediator, Certified County Mediator
Florida Academy of Professional Mediators - Member
New York State Council on Divorce Mediation - Member

About Carole
Starting my own business as a State Supreme Court family Mediator and Certified Coach has been another step in a journey full of transitions. I had just relocated after selling the multi-provider counseling practice I owned and operated in Pittsburgh. My decision to focus on working with individuals experiencing their own life adjustments was the culmination of many years of my own changes. Having dealt with life renewing events, I learned first-hand that there is within each of us a strength and resilience to emerge as a better person when we are left with no choice but to face adversity.
Where I'm From and Where I Am Now
I was raised and educated in Pittsburgh but lived and worked in New York for several years after graduate school. I returned to Pittsburgh to be with my terminally ill mother. In the years after her death, there were several other significant changes in my family requiring adjustments and flexibility. During those challenging years I also launched a successful counseling practice which I operated for almost ten years.
I decided to sell my business and make another move. Being a therapist, going through the tough things that life can throw at you and coming out at the other end—all of it makes me a better mediator because I understand the process of compromise. I know I cannot get everything I want, and I understand that I have to decide what is most important in the negotiation process so I can do the dance of give and take with grace and fortitude. That understanding helps me to guide you to a better agreement.
Why I Do What I Do
I get so much satisfaction working as a mediator. Helping people reach a compromise that will restructure their families in the way they choose is not easy work. It is one of the most painful, difficult things any family will go through, but there is a reward in knowing that I can play a part in helping maintain some civility and humanity in the process. When I meet with a family struggling to overcome a conflict, I see the pain and anguish they are going through. But, more importantly, I see the love beneath that, and I know the value of working with them to relieve that anger and get to resolution.
I am especially happy to work with couples who are non-traditional or who choose to not work with attorneys. I am aware that many couples simply do not have $10,000.00 to spend on a divorce but want to proceed in a civil and compassionate manner to end their relationship. I respect their decision and will work with them to accomplish their goals. In reality, ending a relationship is painful, but it is my belief that the discomfort should not be complicated by an unreasonable financial burden. In addition, I am aware that non-traditional couples may find themselves unwelcome in certain legal circles. I believe all couples have the right to a place where they can work out their differences in an open, safe environment.
Regardless of your situation, it would be my honor to work with you!