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You Can Thrive After Divorce

Here is an unpleasant fact that many do not know. January is known as National Divorce Month. Statistically, there are three times as many divorces filed and finalized in January than any month in the year. That is a sad and, yet, surprising fact. Lawyers report the maximum number of inquiries about divorce coming between January 6 and January 12.

You might wonder why that’s true in this particular month. By the way, that statistic includes the growing number of people who are becoming part of the #Silver Season Divorce population: Couples over the age of 50 who have decided that their relationship no longer holds the sizzle it once did. Perhaps the children have flown the nest and they discover they have nothing in common. Or, this is a second marriage, that was hastily undertaken after a first divorce and the fire has smoldered. In any case, this once stable age group has now joined the ranks of divorcing couples in the first month of the year.

There are several reasons for it.

ü People want to file for divorce now that the holidays are over so they can begin their new lives.

ü Couples feel they made it through the holidays without harming their children with the news and now they can get on with divorcing with less trauma to their children.

ü Financially, the tax year has ended and practical people feel it’s best to wrap up one tax year before filing for divorce.

ü People who want to finalize a divorce in January often do so because they can still gain the tax advantage of having been married on December 31.

ü At the beginning of the year, there are only a few months left in the school year making it a little easier to plan for relocations if there is need for changing school districts.

Custody issues, financial concerns, real estate decisions, significant life changes – all of these factors play into what will happen when divorce occurs. You can steer all of the decisions in spite of how helpless you might feel. Take a deep breath. Step back. Recognize your power. Allow yourself space to feel that emotion and then take control of it. You’ve got this!! Be kind to yourself.

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